Sunday, 14 October 2012

'Girls will be girls and boys will be boys'.. apparently.

Not a bad place to spend a Saturday morning...

They don't seem to keep to this rule in France though. Due to my surname being a very common boy's name and my first name being a rather unusual spelling of Roseanna, teachers and people in authority often refer to me as a boy. Great. Cue, therefore, their surprise when they call my surname, look for a boy, to see a tall, blonde English girl say 'yes, yes that's me...'

And this is exactly what happened yesterday. Yesterday I spent the morning and early afternoon skiing on the glacier of Tignes in order to pass a test, in order to access a 'formation' to become an 'initiateur'. Go figure. Basically I got up at 5am, got on a bus at 6am and by 9am, I was at 3000 odd metres ready to skiiiii! Not bad for 13th October! Being an 'initiateur' means that after the 'formation' I'll be able to take classes from the university and teach them how to ski, scary! Yesterday consisted of one piste of big turns, followed by a piste of small turns and then at the end of the day we were told if we had passed or not.. and surprise, surprise, I passed! So that means I now have a 5 day course over half term (which is in 2 weeks!) and then hopefully I'll be able officially qualified to take people out on lessons! Only downside is it means I'm probably not coming back to the UK until April 2013, as I'm working (hopefully!) in la Plagne over Christmas, followed by skiing in February half-term, but hey, I guess we'll just see how it goes!

Yesterday just proved to me however, how I think I made the right choice. Yes I could be in England, getting a degree which is much more recognised in the UK but being here means I can speak (nearly!) word perfect French, I can communicate with all and every French person I meet, I can ski at the weekend and I'm surrounded by some of the most amazing scenery that I would never, ever be able to see in the UK. Studying abroad is a scary prospect but the opportunities you will get are unique and although you may be diving into a pool of the unknown, from my point of view it's an amazing experience. Even through the tears, the frustrations and the homesickness I've had over the past year whilst living in France I wouldn't ever go back to the UK and take up my place at Leeds. (Although I really, really regret never being able to live in such an awesome city or experience the all year drinking fest which is Freshers!!)

For now though I have to go back to the real world and finish my French economic notes.. wahoo. Hope everyone's keeping well!

Bisous xxx

A rainbow above campus on a Wednesday morning! 

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