Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Et ça, c'est fait !

And so c'est officiel, je suis une étudiante à Université Stendhal Grenoble III. And thank God for that!!

Inscription, surprisingly, was a very pain free process - I ended up saving money - top tip: get yourself an EHIC card before coming to France, that for now, will count as your social security. You will need a mutelle on top (I think!!) but it'll save you a normally compulsory 220€!! I also avoided doing the 'obligatory' English test and spent just an hour in the hour and a half Spanish test. All in all, inscription was done within 4 hours so success!

Having inscrired (that's Franglais for you..) in university I am slowly working my way through my list of adminstration which is making sloooow progress but progress nonetheless. I am slowly starting to (maybe) figure my way round this complicated French system, wahoo! My flat is looking perfect, my electricity is not going to cut itself off anytime soon, I have a purpose to my life here, university is looking fairly straightforward (I still need to do inscription part II....) and my only problem at the moment is the slight lack of internet which is driving me to distraction but hey, you can't have everything!

Tonight I am meeting up with some people from inteGRE which is the foreign students' association which includes ERASMUS students and all so might be a good evening, I'll certainly be able to compare notes with everyone else and how they're getting on with the French system so far! Once I have my internet I might do some more interesting blogs but for now this will have to do!

Bisous xxx

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